Friday, June 30, 2006

Major Milestone / Landmark Ahead on Road of REFORM

Sammyboymod forum URL

By the corrupted nationwide vote buying in GE2006, I would like to point out that a major milestone or landmark is appearing head on Singaporeans' Road of REFORM. That is still ahead but already visible, it is certainly not negligible.

I am referring to the famiLEE LEEgime had exposed their own legitimacy to exist and rule, via criminally buying vote. Let me stress the importance of it:

  • it is irreversible (undo is impossible)
  • it is prominent and audacious (cover-up is impossible)
  • it is significantly dirty
  • they can not hide
  • every details well known is evidence of conviction
  • there is almost no defense
  • it is criminal by global standard
  • it is simple and comprehensive
  • it had been immediately attacked
  • famiLEE had been most evasive about it
  • it is simply LEEthal for the famiLEE LEEgime
All we need now is time & efforts to pursue this landmark restlessly vigorously until we reach there. Upon that, the rest of the Road of Reform wouldn't be the same as before this point. That is how significant this marker is.

I would put it as a major change of phase for Singapore's history.

We must push forward to this as this meaningful milestone had already emmerged clearly before us. We shouldn't miss our aim and let ourself be lost from now on.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

ONLY 8 Charges? Where are the rest?

Sammyboymod forum link

Quite contrary to what LianHeWanBao reported this evening 29.June.2006 that I would instruct lawyer Mr M Ravi to write to AGC asking them to drop the 8 charges of . I will instruct him NOT to do so. If his instruction from Mr Gandhi or Dr Chee is so, then my is not the same.

The famiLEE LEEgime police had harassed me on my support to SDP's sales of party news papers as well as Election Walk About & Meeting with People, which are all peacful and lawful political activities, on MORE THAN A DOZEN DAYS and INSTANCES, at many many different locations. However, they had chosen only to file 8 charges against me. Where are the rest of the cases? Police had put me on investigation for more than a dozen cases, while they had video taped, photographed, and harrassed me on mor than twice this number of instances. I belive they had not found the other cases chargable.

Why don't bring on all these charges? Why just only 8?

I strongly and firmly belive I had done nothing wrong, and I was rightfully conducting lawful and meaningful as well as righteous political activities against this evil greedy corrupted famiLEE LEEgime. I am not afraid to face charges, and I am not afraid to be imprisoned. I will not ask them to drop charges against me. I am going on hunger strike against them for all these corrupted cheating with the election & political process.

I will confront them head on and insist to defy, to set an example for other Singaporean citizen to exercise our political and civil rights.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Justified & Necessary Disparagement / Contempt

link to sammyboymod msg

I belive that respect is some sort of entitlement, but rather it had to be gain / drawn forth / won over time by actions and / or expressions. Be it for a statesman; a country; a government; a court; or any organization.

I disagree that a position or title or occupation or office must be just given respect by default, irregardless of it's performance / act / conduct. Any respect can be changed either in gain or lost accumulatively over time.

A regime that prolong itself by buying vote, and a court that uphold UNJUST, will not command any respect.

Disparagement & contempt against flasehood; injustice; dishonesty; cheating;
complice with evil are not just necessary and justified, they are the driving force behind correction and delivery of justice. Disparagement & contempt against bully and cowardnees is a primary force behind ingenuous righteousness & courage.

These are the critical & decisive elements needed to conduct reform.


Singapore's reform had been so far unsucessful partly because the reformists have too much reservations and undue respects for the culprits at fault, and still blindly trying to follow the system which is at fault and due to be reformed.

It is naive to hope for the famiLEE LEEgime to correct itself, renew itself, or improve itself by applying some sort of pressure or give it some signals, after so such long decades of disappointments. The naive consideration to have a regime so deeply corrupted to improve accountability and transparency, to stop exploitations, and to rule fairly or hand over power through free and fair election is most unrealistic. Without sufficient disparagement & determination to uproot the famiLEE LEEgime, reformists can not make the necessary difference regardless how much time is given.

This is particularly true when corruption is so comprehensive and within the core.

I recognize that patience and tolerence are also necessary, however not learning sufficiently from past failures and hoping to see penty improvement by a limited comination of scope / plan / effort, is too naive. Reformists must give what it takes in full, and not pussy footing the reform to dream for results.

Harsh corrupted regimes requires harsh reforms.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau asked to probe LEE's vote buying

Yahoo LINK

date: 05/26/06

from: Yap Keng Ho <>,

to: Soh Kee Hean -director Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau <>

subject: Request for Investigation - Corrupted Practice concerning General Election 2006

I took part in GE2006 as Election Agent for candidate Chee Siok Chin of Sembawang GRC wef 10.May.2006, I am also a voter of Tampines GRC, but I am requesting CPIB for an investigation as a member of public. I was prepared to stand for the same election myself but I lack some assenter for the nomination. I am sure you are already aware that miss Chee Siok Chin had already filed complain to Election Judge under parliamentary election act asking for the election to be declared as invalid.

May I bring to your attention that there is possible corrupted practice in GE2006, in that Lee Hsien Loong both as Rep of Singapore PM cum Finance Minister & GE2006 candidate have committed himself in VOTE BUYING during GE2006.

This is in particular through the Progress Package by which voters of entire Singapore had been arranged to receive money payable on 1.May.2006 just few days before the polling. Over a million voters and or their family members had received money ranged from hundreds to thousands of dollars, just days before they had to cast their votes.

This inevitably have the strongest effect of VOTE BUYING, in favor to the ruling party which Lee Hsien Loong and his father Lee Kuan Yew are both belong to, and both stood as candidates for GE2006.

Lee Hsien Loong being the finance minister & Rep of Singapore PM proposed and implemented the Progress Package, through which voters are given S$2.6 billion in total sum, and he is the PM who is almost the only person who can initiate the dissolve of parliament and call for election. And that the dates of withdrawing the Progress Package and the polling day are only apart by less than a week, so the arrangement that voters are given the handout of S$2.6 billion just before casting their vote have to be the intention of Lee Hsien Loong.

The criminal intention of vote buying is further affirmed by Lee Hsien Loong himself in his public statement during the election period as reported by the media that he talked about "fixing the oppositions" and "buying the votes". Please refer to affidavit filed by Chee Siok Chin.

I plea your firm and thorough investigation regarding possible vote buying crime committed by Lee Hsien Loong, and any possible involvement by his father Mentor Lee Kuan Yew in this General Election. Please assure me that your investigation will be fair and of integrity despite the fact that Lees are your direct superiors. CPIB is law enforcement bureau and no one should be above the law. I plea with you to act accordingly to uphold justice and equality.

I request you also to publicly announce your findings after investigation.

As I understand as long as there is any criminal intent an action committed especially involving huge sum of money paid to voters when candidates including Lee Hsien Loong himself stand to be voted and return to power, it is to be regarded strictly as a crime. I believe that many individuals had been charged in Singapore based on their criminal intents, and in Singapore's court it is the accused person's burden to prove that he / she is innocent while being presumed as guilty.

The fact that the S$2.6 billion is not private fund, but entrusted in the care of Lee Hsien Loong under his capacity as PM cum Finance Minister, show that he is in position with the most ability to abuse this fund for the electoral gain of his ruling party PAP as well as his father and himself. This is the fact that had disturbed me the most.

Acting for myself according to my conscience for fairness; justice & equality, I made this request to you as director of Corrupted Practices Investigation Bureau to perform your official duty according to law and constitution of our republic.

Thank You,


Singapore Anti-Corruption Bureau REFUSED to probe Election Vote Buying!

Yahoo LINK

Request for Investigation - Corrupted Practice concerning General Election 2006

k.h. Yap
Mon, May 29, 2006 at 12:55 AM
To:KeeHean SOH (Corrupt Practices InvestigationBureau), Rep of SingaporePresident, parliamnet
Cc:PMOKuan Yew LEE , PMO Hsien LoongLEE, MFA JayakumarS

Hi director Kee Hean SOH,

I re-attachedamended copy of PDF file to correct a wrong date wef whichI waselection agent, that to be the only error found and dulycorrected.

May I challenge you compare Progress Package against hypothesis cases whereby Mr. Chiam See Tong or Mr. Low Thia Kiang had handed out their town council money to ALL residents in Potong Pasir or Hougang, on 1st May 2006 just few days before polling, and called it the Regress Package for example, and I requested your investigation. What would your reply be then?

Iam copying this email to Rep of Singapore President & Parliament,toraise the matter and hope their higher authorities will back you uptoinvestigate your superrior PM Lee Hsien Loong.


citizen Yap Keng Ho

On 5/26/06, Kee Hean SOH <> wrote:
Please refer to your email of 26 May 06.

CPIB will not be conducting any investigation based on your email. The
Progress Package is a government policy that applied to all Singaporeans,
and had nothing to do with the general election.

Soh Kee Hean
Director CPIB

WARNING: "Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this
message. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not copy,
distribute or take any action in reliance thereon. Communication of any
information in this email to any unauthorised person is an offence under
the Official Secrets Act (Cap 213). Please notify the sender immediately
if you receive this in error."

click here for original email CPIB.pdf
CJ & President - not to conduct Oath for Cabinet

Yahoo Group Doc Link

GmailUncle Yap

Request to CJ & President - Oath for Cabinet Ministers

k.h. YapMon, May 29, 2006 at 1:29 AM

From: k.h. Yap
To: Rep of Singapore President , Chief Justice , Rep Of Singapore Parliament
Dear President & CJ,

We are aware that Election Judge is scheduled to hear the application to annul General Election held on 6.May.2006.

I would like to point out that it is thus disgraceful and inapproprateto have cabinet minister taking oath and take office even before thecase is heard by election judge. Thus I request President & CJ bothnot to conduct the oath as such, until there is a result from the caseheard before The Election Judge according to our Parliamentary ElectionAct.

Thank You,

concerned citizen
Yap Keng Ho


2 attachments

Gmail - Request for Investigation �" Corrupted Practice concerning General Election 2006.html

[Reference] Singapore's Parliamentary Election Act

Yahoo Group Doc Link

File Type: HTML document text

Avoidance by conviction ofcandidate
89. The election of a candidate as a Memberis avoided by his conviction for any corrupt or illegal practice.

Application for avoidance ofelection on certain grounds
90. The election of acandidate as a Member shall be declared to be void on an application made to an Election Judge on any of the following grounds which maybe proved to the satisfaction of the Election Judge:

(a)that by reason of general bribery, general treating, or general intimidation, or other misconduct, or other circumstances, whethersimilar to those before enumerated or not, the majority of electors were or may have been prevented from electing the candidate or groupof candidates whom they preferred;

(b)non-compliance with the provisions of this Act relating to elections,if it appears that the election was not conducted in accordance withthe principles laid down in those provisions and that thenon-compliance affected the result of the election;

(c)that a corrupt practice or illegal practice was committed in connection with the election by the candidate or with his knowledgeor consent or by any agent of the candidate;

(d)that the candidate personally engaged a person as his election agent,or as a canvasser or agent, knowing that the person had, within 7years prior to the engagement, been convicted or found guilty of acorrupt practice by a District Court or by the report of an ElectionJudge;

(e) that the candidate was at the time of his election a person disqualified for election as a Member.


Proceedings in respect ofqualification
91. —(1) Proceedings may beinstituted in the High Court against any person acting or claiming tobe entitled to act as an elected Member of Parliament on the ground of his being disqualified within the meaning of this section for so acting.

(2) Proceedings under subsection(1) on the ground of a person acting as aforesaid shall not be instituted after the expiration of 6 months from the date of the last occasion on which he so acted.

(3) Where in proceedings instituted under this section it is proved that the defendant hasacted as an elected Member of Parliament while disqualified from so acting, then the High Court shall have power —

(a) tomake a declaration to that effect and to declare that the office in which the defendant has acted is vacant;

(b) to grant an injunction restraining the defendant from so acting; and

(c) to make any order which may seem fit as to the costs of the proceedings.

(4)Where in proceedings instituted under this section it is proved that he defendant claims to act as an elected Member of Parliament and is disqualified from so acting, the High Court shall have power to makea declaration to that effect and to declare that the office in which the defendant claims to be entitled to act is vacant, and to grant an injunction restraining him from so acting.

(5) No proceedings shall beinstituted under this section by any person other than a person whopursuant to this Act is an elector for the electoral division forwhich the person against whom proceedings are to be instituted was elected.

(6) For the purposes of thissection, a person shall be deemed to be disqualified for acting as anelected Member of Parliament —

(a)if he is not qualified to be, or is disqualified from being, an elected Member of Parliament or a holder of that office; or

(b)if by reason of resignation or failure to attend meetings of Parliament or for any other reason his seat has become vacant and hehas ceased to be an elected Member of Parliament or to hold that office.

Appointmentand powers of Election Judge
92. —(1) Every application under section 90 shall be heard by the Chief Justiceor by a Judge of the Supreme Court nominated by the Chief Justice for the purpose.

(2) The Chief Justice or the Judgeso nominated is referred to in this Act as the Election Judge.

(3) Witnesses shall be subpoenaed and sworn in the same manner as nearly as circumstances admit as in atrial by the High Court in the exercise of its original civil jurisdiction and shall be subject to the same penalties for the giving of false evidence.

(4) On the hearing of anapplication under section 90, the Election Judge may, by orderunder his hand, compel the attendance of any person as a witness who appears to him to have been concerned in the election to which the application refers.

(5) Any person refusing to obeythe order of the Election Judge under subsection (4) shall be guilty of contempt of court.

(6) The Election Judge may examineany witness so compelled to attend or any person in court, although the witness is not called and examined by any party to the application.

(7) After the examination of awitness by the Election Judge, the witness may be cross-examined byor on behalf of the applicant and the respondent, or either of them.

(8) TheElection Judge shall be attended on the hearing of an application under section 90 in the same manner as if he were a Judge of the High Court.


(9) Unless otherwise ordered by the Chief Justice, all interlocutory matters in connection with an application under section 90 maybe dealt with and decided by any Judge of the High Court.


Whomay make application under section 90
93. Anapplication under section 90 may be made to the Supreme Court by any one or more of the following persons:

(a)some person who voted or had a right to vote at the election to which the application relates;

(b)some person claiming to have had a right to be returned or elected atthe election;

(c)some person alleging himself to have been a candidate at the election.

Relief which may be claimed
94.All or any of the following relief to which the applicant may been titled may be claimed in an application under section 90:

(a) adeclaration that the election is void;

(b) adeclaration that the return of the person elected was undue;

(c) adeclaration that any candidate was duly elected and ought to havebeen returned;

(d) where the seat is claimed for an unsuccessful candidate on the ground that he or the group of candidates to which he belongs had amajority of lawful votes, a scrutiny


Certificate of Election Judge asto validity of election
95. —(1) At theconclusion of the hearing of an application under section 90,the Election Judge shall determine whether the Member whose return or election is complained of, or any other and what person, was duly returned or elected, or whether the election was void, and shall certify such determination to the President.

(2)Upon the certificate being given under subsection (1), the determination shall be final; and the return shall be confirmed oraltered, or the President shall within one month of the determination, by notice in the Gazette, order the holding of an election in the electoral division concerned, as the case may require, in accordance with the certificate.


(3) Where the election of any Member for a group representation constituency is determined by the Election Judge under subsection (1)to be void, the election of the other Members for that constituency shall be deemed to be void.


Reportof Election Judge as to corrupt or illegal practice
96.—(1) At the conclusion of the hearing of an application undersection 90, the Election Judge shall also report in writing tothe President —

(a)whether any corrupt or illegal practice has or has not been proved to have been committed by or with the knowledge and consent of any candidate at the election, or by his agent, and the nature of the corrupt or illegal practice (if any); and

(b)the names and descriptions of all persons (if any) who have been proved at the hearing to have been guilty of any corrupt or illegal practice.

(2)Before any person, not being a party to an application under section 90 nor a candidate on behalf of whom the seat is claimed by such an application, is reported by an Election Judge under this section, the Election Judge shall give the person an opportunity of being heard and of giving and calling evidence to show why he should not be so reported.

(3) When the Election Judgereports that a corrupt or illegal practice has been committed by anyperson, that person shall be subject to the same incapacities as if at the date of the report he had been convicted of that practice.

(4) A person shall be subject tothe same incapacities if he was a candidate at the election and the Election Judge reports that the corrupt or illegal practice was committed with his knowledge and consent or by his agent.

(5) The President shall cause acopy of such report to be published in the Gazette, and it shall be the duty of the Registration Officer forthwith to peruse thereport and forthwith to delete from the registers of electors the name of every person appearing from the report to be in capable of voting at an election.

Time for making application
97.—(1) Subject to this section, every application under section 90 shall be made within 21 days of the date of publication of the result of the election in the Gazette.

(2) An application undersection 90 questioning the return or the election upon theground of a corrupt practice and specifically alleging a payment ofmoney or other act to have been made or done since the date referredto in subsection (1) by the Member whose election is questioned or by an agent of the Member or with the privity of the Member or his election agent in pursuance or in furtherance of the corrupt practice may, so far as respects that corrupt practice, be presented at anytime within 28 days after the date of the payment or act.

(3) An application undersection 90 questioning the return or the election upon anallegation of an illegal practice may, so far as respects that illegal practice, be made within the following time:

(a) atany time before the expiration of 14 days after the date of the publication in the Gazette of the notice required by section 75 as to the election expenses of the Member whose election is questioned; or

(b) ifthe application specifically alleges a payment of money or other actto have been made or done since that date by the Member whose election is questioned or by an agent of the Member or with the privity of the Member or of his election agent in pursuance or in furtherance of the illegal practice alleged in the application, the application may be made at any time within 28 days after the date ofthe payment or other act.

(4) An application under section 90made in due time may, for the purpose of questioning the return or the election upon an allegation of a corrupt or illegal practice, be amended with the leave of aJudge of the High Court within the time within which an application questioning the return or the election upon that ground may be made.


(5)For the purposes of this section, where there is an authorised excusefor failing to make and transmit the return and statements respecting election expenses, the date of the allowance of the excuse or, if there was a failure in 2 or more particulars and the excuse wasallowed at different times, the date of the allowance of the last excuse, shall be substituted for the date of the publication in the Gazette of the notice mentioned in subsection (3).

Hold Lee Hsien Loong Accountable for Corrupted Election

Yahoo Group Doc Link

Sammyboy Msg Link 1
Sammyboy Msg Link 2

Activists are asking me to hold on to the begining of my hunger strike as they discuss and prepare, I am not sure what will their discussion out come be as I could be held in jail as early as today. So in the event of that, I will begin my own hunger strike without knowing whatare others doing.

Monday, June 26, 2006

REMAKE Singapore: Learn from PAST MISTAKES

Sammyboy Forum Msg Link

I most strongly feel and learnt that our most significant mistake in the past 20 years is to hope to reform while keeping famiLEE LEEgime in power, which is totally impossible.

We did that by trying to put Mr. JBJ in parliament, hoping to increase number of non-PAP MPs via UNFAIR elections & let LKy's kangaroo kick JBJ out of parliament repeatedly.

We didn't identify the RIGHT 1st STEP, which have to be removing LKy.

We gave LKy too much time and oppurtunities, until he could install GCt to warm up his son's seat for so long, and then install his son, meanwhile he can destroy so many oppositions, JBJ, TangLiangHong, FrancisSeow, CSJ, SDP....

if we began 20 years ago against LKy strongly and firmly like the Thais are now doing to Thug-sin, we are already a free Rep of Singapore now instead of famiLEE LEEgime.

During all these time we had wasted from Anson till present (1981-2006), the political landscape of Asia changed drastically:

  • F Marcos ousted in Philippines
  • Suharto ousted in Indonesia
  • KMT lost power in Taiwan to DPP Chen Shui Bian

Korea democratize by Kim Dae-jung

LKy still remain in power, and I insist that it is not because he is good, it is because we the Singaporean made BIG MISTAKE. I learnt and I am sharing with all Singaporeans here. We MUST NOT REPEAT THIS MISTAKE!

25 years past between 1981's Anson until GE2006. Li Ao is right that Singapoeans are stupid including uncleyap, this is why LKy can still remain in power. It isn't because LKy was smart or anything like that, because if LKy was smart than we won't have Suzhou Ind Park; Micropolis; ShinCorpse perchase & all that craps, we won't have to count on casino today, and we won't have to count on laundering dirty money and drug blood money.... etc. If LKy were smart, he won't have to count on buying vote now. He is stupid, and Singaporeans more stupid, but the rest of the world aren't so stupid, that's why the world changed against us, and we are in deep shit.

If LKy was smart Singaporeans won't be drinking SaiChwee newater.

The Malaysians are smarter than LKy, that's how LKy got kicked out by Tungu Abdul Raman & cried like a little girl.

Singaproean better now learn smart, and remove famiLEE. NOW PSE, don't wait any longer!

It is another stupid idea to wait for the old dog thief to die, and hope that thing will just turn out as we wished by then.


It is stupid and naive to hope that leaving our national fate out of our own hands and crossing fingers will give us security in political progress in future after this vampire gets mummified. Things will mostly go worst and even more wrong by then, more out of control by then.

Pse don't have any silly naive hope that Singapore will get our desired improvement after the old dog thief LKy died, and we could just sit down doing nothing on sofa and wait for that.

Pse do your part to nail Ass Loong Son for vote buying, get it done with no reservation nor mercy. Don't be cruel to yourself and your own country, take possitive control and make it right and just.

Rep of Singapore belongs to us the citizens, not the famiLEE, not PAp.


Do it!


Sammyboy forum Link

I call SDP and all APs to hold on to all calls of REFORM.

famiLEE & particularly LKy is the critical obstacle to any reform we all want, they have to be first addressed adequately before any kind of reform can be possible.

Let me explain why:

1. famiLEE LEEgime is collectively depending on all the mangled system of unjust and corruption to stay in power.

2. famiLEE LEEgime will do anything in their capacity to protect their system of unjust and corruption to stay in power.

3. any effort to reform or meaningful improvement to Singapore will have to remove or compromize the famiLEE's system of unjust & corruption.

4. famiLEE will seek destruction of any leader or organization strongly calling for reform, Dr. CSJ & SDP are best examples.

5. without 1st removing famiLEE or totally disable them, you can not really begin any sort of reform at all.

6. Let me take for example Electoral Reform, you hope to see a free and fair election? How can famiLEE let you have that? Over LKy's dead body of course. And sure, why not? Take LKy down before you go on Electoral Reform. You can not hope to have cart before horse, by hoping to reform election or abolish GRC and then remove LKy via a free and fair election. We had tried that the last 20 years, don't repeat the same mistake any more! pse!

7. Let me take for example Judiciary Reform, you hope to see a fair and independent court? How can famiLEE let you have that? If you had that then Ass Loong would be in prison for vote buying and entire GE2006 would be declared VOID by now. Mr JBJ & Dr CSJ etc won't be bankrupted, SDP defamation suit would be dismiss with cost award to pay Mr Ravi! You can only reform the kagaroo judiciary to be fair & independent and just, after removing LKy famiLEE LEEgime. Again, don't put cart before the horses!

8. One more example, economic reform, you hope to see GIC / Termasek / GLC / GRC not in competition with Singaporean private businesses? How can famiLEE of Nepotism & their Cronies agree with that? Over LKy's dead body of course! You want to change CPF & HDB system? Minister's salaries... How can you begin without 1st taking down the famiLEE LEEgime?

I am not discouraging anyone, I am encouraging all the reformist to identify THE RIGHT FIRST STEP = put down the famiLEE LEEgime 1st!

Without FULLY ACCOMPANISHING this, no reform is possible, and without that 1st being done, I won't waste my time to dream or discuss about any reform. You can talk untill cow come home, famiLEE will be laughing at your reform dreams.


What is my main point here?

I call all Singapoeans including PAppies to focus on the illegal vote buying during GE2006, do justice to this corruption crime. That is to convict Lee Hsien Loong and put him in prison, disqualify him from election. This will terminate the famiLEE LEEgime effectively!

Beside hanging on to the kangaroo court the famiLEE have no defence to this crime, no just court can acquit his clearcut audacious crime. Attack strongly and persistantly, put all the pressure on this until justice is done. Strong civil action and boycott if necessary. Skin the kangaroo if we have to. Sharpen our knifes and skin firmly. No sweat, no cold feet.

After terminating famiLEE LEEgime via this Jackpot Shortcut, we can begin to reform / remake Singaproe.


Hold free and fair election after terminating famiLEE LEEgime.

Amend constitution and prevent another similar corrupted regime.

Abolish unjust laws, and amend the flaws of mangled law.

Implement new policies necessary for healthy reforms.

All these steps can only begin one after another after the most important FIRST STEP, which is taking down famiLEE LEEgime via their crime of GE2006 vote buying.

That is my main point.


The political atmosphere in SE Asia is currently on Election Frauds - Thailand's Thug-sin & Singapore's famiLEE, both connected via the ShinCorpse scandal and tax evasion crime.

The saga here is much bigger than NKF.

Soon, the plundering scandal of Taiwan & money laundering scandal will also link to famiLEE LEEgime. WB-IMF coming....

We better catch the momentum and DO IT!

Time is NOW!


CORRUPTED ELECTION: Lee Hsien Loong & PAp vs Thaksin & Thai Rak Thai

Sammyboy forum Link

Thug-sin's Thai Rak Thai party found guilty of election fraud, and his partner of crime - Singapores' famiLEE still at large hiding behind a kangaroo!

The dirty corrupted cohort of Thug-sin including Lee Hsien Loong & Ho Jinx, both had their photographs burnt in front of Singaporean embassy in Bangkok last month. The cohort are together involved in the tax evasion deals with Shin-Corpse which is a dead lost with our Termasek $money$ costing us billions now.

Thug-Sin & famiLEE both plunder their peasants.

But famiLEE is worst. Why?

Because Thug-Sin's father not in politics, Thug-sin's wife not in control of Thailand's state funds. Ass Loong's father (who???) Wife (what jinx??)



famiLEE is worst because it PLUNDER & SQUANDER, and Thug-sin at least not able to squander Thais state funds like Termasek / GIC.

The father in-law PLUNDER, The daugter in-law SQUANDER, and then the Son BLUNDER!! What a big happy famiLEE, what a nation of poor peasants!


Thug-sin is involved only in bribing some tiny political parties, that is PEANUT.

Ass Loong Son is involved in nationwide vote buying and bribed entire population of voters! Isn't that something very world class or FIRST WORLD?

Thai court might punish the Thai Rak Thai party by ordering it to be dissolved and Thug-sin will be disqualified from forming any new party in the next 5 years!


Yet famiLEE hiding behind kangaroo court, and it still use kangaroo to oppress my SDP friends wanting to dissovle SDP! Wow! Kiss my ass famiLEE! I will fart into your faces!

This is what you called 1st world old dog thief LKy?

Even dogs know more shame than you LKy!


news link


The political party of Thaksin Shinawatra, the Thai prime minister, was yesterday found guilty of violating election law, probably ending his career.

The Thai Rak Thai party hired small parties to run in the 2 April election to ensure it won a majority.>>

News Link 1
News Link 2
News Link 3
News Link 4
News Link 5
News Link 6
News Link 7

Nationwide Vote Buying & KNF Cheating Scandal

Sammyboy forum Link

famiLEE LEEgime criminals are liable to be punished for Nationwide vote buying PERIOD.

Their crimes are not currently punishable under the mangled Singapore system if (in)justice, but by all other measures known to the human civilization, they are undoubtedly severe crimes liable for severe punishments.

Mangle the system of justice into a system of injustice itself is another count of severe crime. None other than famiLEE LEEgime itself is responsible and liable for this. Pointing blank, the criminal who engineered the 40 years of all these crimes is none other than Lee Kuan Yew the old dog thief.

Regardless how small we know the red-dot being, this Nationwide Vote Buying involving S$2.6 billion is a world record, regardless either in FIRST WORLD or third. Loong's Ah-Beng daddy and ancestors can be proud of it. I belive it is indeed a record beyond world record in entire planet's civilization.

Without any complicated evidence or trial, GE2006's vote buying crime is clear to every layman with average intelligence or even slightly below average. It is <> nationwide, plain & simple.

Nationwide vote buying bribing entire population with S$2.6 billion is a corrupted practice of election almost 100% in synonymy to it's defination. The huge amount of money and universality of the bribery only described the depth & scale of it corrupt, and does not at all make it legal in any way.

The court failed to annul the corrupted poll, that only show that the justice is mangled. If the text of law said this is legal, then the law is unjust - but in this case the text didn't.

Section 97(2) of Parliamentary Election Act is clear about corrupted practices annul the relevant election result by Section 90.

In the case of nationwide vote buying affecting all 84 seats, the entire GE2006 has to be void by this Parliamentary Election Act. Any govt taking office or claiming any mandate via such a corrupted election is ILLEGITIMATE because they are NOT rightfully elected.

If cashing S$2.6 billion to all voters 5 days before poll isn't a crime and govt elected so corruptly was legitimate then there is no need of any laws or court in this country and even mentioning the existance of court of law is a mockery in this island state.

No any other criminal can commit this crime by-passing famiLEE's father & son, their are the primary criminals beyond doubt.

Director Soh Kee Hean of Corrrupt Practices Investigation Bureau which slogan beside it's logo said <>, had swiftly & surely denied my request for his bureau to investigate GE2006 vote buying.

I am considering to take the bureau to court for it refusal of duty and malfeasane.

Above is the eService page of CPIB which you can complain corrupt practices to the bureau, I had sent even CC copy to parliament, president and chief justice. They just refused to take any action or made no reply!

This is indeed FIRST WORLD!

I you think your complain can work better than mine, pse do so via above URL or any other means you know. :-)

The CPIB had investigated T T Durai of NKF, and made it the highest possible profile, with excellent showmanship indeed.

Perhaps they are too busy with NKF and had to neglect GE2006 vote buying? :-)
NKF is a nationwide kidney fund cheating.

Like I had pointed out quoted in LianHeWanBao before GE, that, NKF is indeed the missing organ in Khaw Boon Wan's Ministry of Health organization chart which comprises of specialist centers of various human organs: eye; brain; womb; skin; teeth; heart etc

Govt Web Link
The only difference between National Kidney Foundation & National Heart Center or National Eye Center for examples, is that it is the organ specialist center which had been PRIVATIZED and CHARITIZED.

NKF is at this time the only organ specialist center being Charitized this way is because it is the pilot experimental scheme to similarly charitize other healthcare services. This is to cause the services to be funded by PUBLIC CHARITIES instead of state or Ministry of Finance.

This also means that the million dollar salary Minister of Health washed his hands of the citizens' kidney after NKF, and wiped it off his ministrys' organization chart as well as budget.

More significantly, when scandals like T T Durais' got exposed, the minister looked as if he got nothing to do with it, and he played Good Man fixing up the scandalized charity fund! What dirty cheapo hypocracy!

NKF isn't the only portion of Ministry of Health organization chart that they plan to convert to convert into public charity funding, cancer is another, and remember ComCare Fund & Community Chest?

Govt Web Link
Web Link
Web Link

Check out the NKF Cancer Fund & donation web pages above. :-)

Remember how the big smiling million dollar ministers appearing on NKF TV shows and their crocodile tears asking for you generous donations? Do you feel like being cheated in a grand nationwide scam now?

What about nationwide vote buying, via which the million dollar crooks can continue to rig more exploitations and enrich themselves in power?
NKF is a miniture copy of famiLEE LEEgime implemented from the same LKy blueprint. famiLEE is a bigger version of T T Durai. It does not require very high IQ for one to visualize this.

By the following aspects they are identical / comparable:

  • obscene salaries
  • non-tranparency
  • non-accountability
  • unquestioned power over huge public funds
  • LEEgal protection priviledge
  • bully and injustice via mangled court (defamtion suits)
  • state run media to promote unworthy trusts & fame
  • state run media helping to solicit money and power
  • squandering and wastage
  • self-enrichment and grafts
  • abuse of trust and power
  • massive cover up
  • large number of innocent victims suffering
  • ignorant public supporting and respecting the culprits
  • falsehood and hyporacy & corruption well concealed and schemed
  • stately status
  • whistle-blowers are punished LEEgally
  • white-washing the already exposed scams & still proceeding

It is not just FIRST WORLD here, it is quite OUT OF THE WORLD especially the salaries we are taling about. T T Durai is S$600k a year and famiLEE are $millions$. The amount of graft is next to beyond measurement with the famiLEE and is certainly still measured in short with the NKF.

This is only a brief of what I wanted to tell Singaporeans during GE2006 which the famiLEE had sued my SDP friends to prevent. This is the same things I had been telling the public when I sold SDP's New Democrat news papers, and the LEEgime is charging me 8 charges of for.

I will continue to speak the truth regardless how they try to stop me.


If you have heard my vocal announcements durig GE, I said:

Don't sell your vote to Lee Hsien Loong!
Vote Buying is illegal!
The Progress Package is nothing but your very own money
Just take the money and don't give him the vote!
Rep of Singapore belongs to you the citizens,
and only citizens can vote
You have a ballot on 6.May because you are an owner of Rep of SGP
if you sold your vote you are selling your country!
Don't sell your vote to Lee Hsien Loong on 6.May!
Now the LEEgime court refused to annul the GE, and CPIB refused to investigate vote buying, & they are charging me for fighting against their corruption, I am going on hunger strike.

My message to Singapeans:

Corruption in Singapore is LEEgalized & Institutional.
It is wrong and humful for our country & society.
They have mangled law and called filth CLEAN & WHITE,
but we know the truth.
The emperor is naked and there is no new clothes.
Our nation is sinking and our people are suffering,
to survive we have to fight and remove famiLEE LEEgime.
Endurance and tolerance in the past had wasted time
and worsen our nation.
Act now and stand up for Singapore together!

Sammyboy forum Link

famiLEE is going to leave the guilts; raps; responsibilities; blames and liabilities to you PAppies. They can run far away after all their shit fall apart, they have enough money to continue to enjoy life. But most of you PAppies are not so lucky, most of you can not escape and have to face reality of all the angry peasants.

Peasants will make you PAppies lick up all the famiLEE's shit.

Unless you think you can run faster and further then the famiLEE?

If you renegade against the famiLEE NOW, you are safer, much safer to be left behind by the famiLEE to face peasants.

Even if you can run, your family and loved ones can not all run away with you. Is Singapore your own country PAppies or is famiLEE your family? They don't need you any more, not even have to wait till they escape, they are already now replacing you gradually with cheaper FT cronies!

Even as it is right now, your own family and friends are suffering from the famiLEE. Look at the deal with ShinCorp Thailand. Look at the prospects of SMEs. Look at the closed shops and stalls. Look at the empty factories! Look at uncles & aunties picking up trash bins; selling paper towels at food center; look at the old and sick who can not afford high medical fees in Singapore.

Are you totally unrelated to all these victims of famiLEE?

Look at yourself! Where is your own CPF money? Your CPF A/C statement is nothing but a peice of paper, where is the money? If Singapoeans freeze ALL of CPFB's assets and LIQUIDATE TOTALLY to pay back to all CPF member A/C holders, how much do you think you can get back per dollar?

Where are your own lost stock & share investments and property values?

You are only better than the other peasants because you wear White & White and worked for the devils for $money$, peasants suffering more than you under the famiLEE LEEgime, but you and your loved ones and your friends & family are part of Singapore, you can not be too disconnected with the victims of your own.

I don't have to tell you that your karma is very bad?

When the falsehood could look better, famiLEE took all the credits, how much of merits will they share with you? When shit hit the ceiling fan, you PAppies will have to determind yourself which one of you will take the blame, your famiLEE boss sure will not.

You do have some PAppy friends ended up in jail do you? Are they still inside or have you forgotton them?

Yeah! When your MIw corrupts are exposed, the famiLEE can not save your ass. One of you in the whites have to take the rap and go to jail. This life in PAp, we know it from outside. Durai your friend?



Sammyboymod forum Link

PAppies, you joint PAp essentially for behoof and greed. But face it, the sugarplums aren't coming as much and sweet as they used to these days. We all know this. What is in for you PAppies? What is remainding there to attract you? Liabilities?

Fame? That all belong to the famiLEE, only the leftovers are for you!

You are the scape goats and the famiLEE swipes all the merits and credits. Nepotism is primary essense of LEEgime culture. Meritocracy my ass!

LKy the old dog thief always use his famiLEE members FIRST, regardlessly. All the highest powers and most juicy faterning positions are for the famiLEE members only. You start by the LEEgime cabinet and GIC Termasek organization charts to count, you can not run away from that.

When only the famiLEE ran out of closest members to take the most desirable positions then they will give to indirectly related members of famiLEE. Then further, if there is no more such own famiLEE members to fill posts, the closest doggy cronies begin to get chances. So on so forth.... When will it come to your own turns PAppies?

How close are you to the core of famiLEE?


[to be continued...]


Sammyboymod forum Link

Cool it lah QXP you are launching direct attacks at the only 2 non-PAP MPs now, this would surely work out to the benefit of famiLEE LEEgime.

Regardless of how we have differences, or take different paths, we share same goals, and better to point our barrels at famiLEE LEEgime instead of firing at each other, do you agree?

The softer APs' approach might work if they grew strongly in number without strong confrontation, and they may outcast the LEEgime by number. They are not comfortable with strong confrontation at this time, you can not force them also.

If you want to attack and harm them this way, it would work out to the benefit of the famiLEE LEEgime for sure. You want to whack famiLEE LEEgime hard, than work closer with groups which are whacking hard. Whack your own way, but don't whack our own side like this.

You must understand that a majority of Singaporeans are too soft to confront famiLEE via hard ways. Let them have a softer approach which they would be comfortable with. Whacking them like this would not help them to hardern up.

What you do would cause these majority to think that those who are taking stronger approaches are crazy and unreasonable. That means you sabo us... :-)


Sammyboymod forum Link

PAppies, time is up, and you know your old dog thief master is so old that in order to rule further he have to be mummified right now? Anyway that is the fact I pointed out to the rally crowd at Woodland Stadium during GE.


NTU's Ah Beng Tech have to get a team of Techno-Bengs to experiment mummification in their labs ASAP. Your old dog thief is already in the casket, see above picture.

That is why you can not count on famiLEE hoping to have any future for youself by being a MIw any more. Old dog thief is a running dog betraying Asians to the west, but the west don't see him as a useful dog. More obviously, his is already an old dog such that even he could be useful, his masters can not count on his age any longer.

Unlike you PAppies you are much younger dogs to famiLEE. Old dog thief is already within the casket. And his son is totally useless. The famiLEE's western masters know that very clearly. They are going to REPLACE their famiLEE running dogs with something else they can find in Asia. famiLEE is no longer any value to the west.

Just like you PAPpies, you are being replaced by Malaysian & Indon FT cronies within PAp LEEgime. famiLEE's pork barrel is empty, they can not afford to feed you any longer, they are replacing you with cheaper dogs from outside Singapore. Khaw Boon Wan from Penang can do more for the famiLEE than you Singaporean PAppies, for the same worth of $salary$, that's why you are doomed!

On the other hand, you see how your master's western masters treated them?

LKy crawed to Iraq begging for the Baghdad airport and some Anti-Terror war dog biskets, Bush didn't give him any crumps! He crawed back here empty handed. Fortunately SAF boys didn't get killed in Iraq like the GIs.

LKy's wife got stroke in London nearly died there, the Ang Mohs made them QUEE for doctor! No Royal Emergency Vets Treatment for these famiLEE dogs! No Royal Air Force flying hospital to fly Ass Loong's mom back! Not even British Airways! Have come out our own Ah Beng SIA make-shift flying hospital to save LKys' wife.

That is how the Ang Mohs treat their dogs when they are found too old and useless! Mo Mercy! No face!

How would Old Dog Thief then treat you PAppy Dogs?

Pray for yourselves!



Sammyboymod forum Link

Here again I reinforce my call to PAppies to renegade against the famiLEE. It is time to do so for you own sake and Singapore's sake.

I have called before GE2006 for PAppies to leave PAp party, to form own parties or to join any existing parties. Now I add another option for you PAppies which is to remain inside PAp and mutiny from within.


Yes you can!

Together with all the APs & Singaporean peasants you can play the famiLEE out and you can do better than us from inside. Because as insiders, you can do what we can not do from the outside.

You can call for reform from within, against famiLEE nepotism & grafts, you can expose dirty secrets from within, you can pull other PAppies from within to join mutiny.

You can become spies for APs, we already have, but we must always have more. :-)

There are increasingly more reasons for you PAppies to renegade against famiLEE:

  1. Their days are numbered and your future is so dark with them.
  2. They are almost unable to feed you now, your pork barrel is empty, your benefits are cut, your cohorts are fighting for the remainding shares, but famiLEE took the lion share leaving most of you hungry.
  3. The peasants hate you and we are going to get you!
  4. You need to plan for your own futures ASAP.
  5. famiLEE backstab you after using you, T T Durai had been sold out this way, do you want to become the next Durai?
  6. These days it is not as portly prestige as before, moral in PAp is low. Your boss Ass Loong Son ordered you after GE to lay low profile, don't be arrogant, don't be too greedy - <>, don't abuse your position as much as before....
  7. You eat too much? your corrupt exposed? Your boss famiLEE isn't any more able to cover up for you! Unlike those good old days, you will have to follow footsteps of T T Durai.
  8. FTs are coming in to PAp to replace you, increasing daily, look at Khaw Boon Wan; LL Neo.... Where are you going to have future? famiLEE is recriting cheaper cronies to kick you out!


So poor PAppies, do it now! After all we are all Singaporeans.

I know, APs & Peasants may reject you, call you moles, and want to kill you. Thank yourselfs for your own past deeds, but pse prove to us that you are firmly against the famiLEE now and not part of them. If you can not join APs, pse form your own parties.

Pse begin rebellion from within PAp!


No balls? Go eat some goat penis from soup kambeng stalls!

I am calling APs and peasants to increase tolerence and acceptance of ex-LEEgime dogs, let them have a chance, and accepting them means famiLEE LEEgime will end faster shortening sufferings of Singaporeans!

Encourage your RC; NTUc; CCc; PAp friends and family members to RENEGADE the famiLEE now. If you don't accept them among our ranks, just treat them as distanced allies, or at least, differntiate them from famiLEE.

We don't need to fight with entire bunch of PAp, just isolate and target famiLEE is enough for now.

The more we beset the PAppies as an entirety, the more we cause them to be united and fighting us together. We must divide and conquer them. The BEST interstice to wedge-in is the famiLEE line, famiLEE are using the non-LEE PAppies and betraying / backstabbing them after utilizing them. The dogs knows and are sore about things.

Pork barrel is getting so empty and there is nothing much to EAT and share, they are in-fighting, this is non-secret already. Natural antipathy & repugnance are increased so much within PAp, PAppies are edging each other out, e.g. GCT is kicked out by Ass Loong.

If we turn our policies now and selectively target only famiLEE and ask the rest of PAppies to cross over to our side, LEEgime will end much faster. Now is the time!


Practically, we can not expect to have a future Singapore stable by entirely eliminating PAp party. Let PAp be there, but famiLEE MUST BE ELIMINATED ASAP. Some PAppies are still useful, at this stage the best role they can play is to be informants regarding corruptions; scandals and grafts; they can become indemefied witnesses and whistle blowers from within PAp.

To win over the PAppies is crucial in taking out the famiLEE. Shift our hostility to only famiLEE and wink eye signals to the rest of PAppies... if they know what to do, we cut a deal with them..?


Bribed Singaporean & Thai Elections

Pse consider the calculation this way:

Every Singaporean please use your amount of Progress Package Ang Pao received on 1.May.2006 to determind the amount of MIw LOSSES we each have to be ripped off in order to cover.

For example if you received S$1800 of Ang Pao on 1.May.2006, then your share within S$2.6 billion of total Ang Pao is this much. If the MIw lost S$2.6 billion the next time, you know that they would have to come to your pocket some how or rather to dig out $1800 to fill that big hole they burnt.

The big hole burnt in Thailand now with ShinCorp is about twice the Ang Pao Total, so for each peasant we don't just only have to give 1 X of the Ang Pao back (as in $1 to $1 Ang Pao recovery after GE), you now have to pay back 3 X of what you received already, because another 2 X is burnt in ShinCorp!

From now on, pse use AngPao Measurement as a guideline to estimate your own personal shares concerning any losses made by the famiLEE.


This is the way Singaporeans will know more exactly how painful is the pinch, and without this, peasants often under-estimate their own liablilities and felt as if others are paying for the losses and not themselves.

Corrupted Singapore General Election

Sammyboymod forum Link

famiLEE cashed out state funds to families of voters on 1.May.2006 to ask them to return famiLEE LEEgime to power on 6.May.2006, so that LKy & Son can continue to with their famiLEE LEEgime.

Both the father & son are contesting. Entire famiLEE of nepotism with huge stake to regain. Entire party of cronies following. Entire system of corruption & explitation as well as bully re-newed and prolonged.

Ultra Strong Motive of CRIME.


Corrupted Singapore General Election

Sammyboymod forum Link

Lets give them the grace to grant that Progress Pacakage itself was legitimate and approved by parliament as if there were no moral corruption with the Progress Package itself, I mean just assume that first to simplify matters - but I actually think it is corrupt by itself even with the LEEgime parliament rubber stamp.

With the hypothetical assumption standing, I want to ask peasants to focus on the fact that not parliament nor other ministers can decide on dissolving parliament itself to call for GE. Only PM can do that.

So the criminal act of closely scheduling the polling day in within 5 days from encashing of Progress Package to exploit the effects of VOTE BUYING benefiting PAp & famiLEE LEEgime via power via wealth via priviledges etc vast and enormous interests, is a very corrupted crime. And with that assumption of Progress Package which is proposed by Ass Loong himself being approved and fixed on 1.May.2006, the only criminal that can exploit that approval for corrupted electoral gains is also Ass Loong himself and no one else because only he can push the Election button and schedule it only 5 days apart.

The existance of such a strong criminal intention can not be avoided and can not be waved off by saying or doing anything. Especially claiming that there are nothing to do between the CASH given on 1.May.2006 & the POLL on 6.May.2006

CASH & POLL orchastrated within the same 6 day time frame, handing out state funds to voters and their families and ask them to return ruling party to power. This crime can be done only by the 2 LEEs, and would be totally impossible without their consent.


I ask everyone also to ! [Bush]

CASH on 1.May.2006 plus POLL on 6.May.2006 == VOTE BUYING == CORRUPTED ELECTION

By very simple law that every layman can understand.

Beside crime of vote buying, it have to added definately with a charge of GRAFT which is the obvious fact that state funds under the care and responsibility of PM cum Finance Minister had be exploited for the purpose of buying vote in GE2006, that amount is S$2.6 billion.

So we are talking about 2 instead of 1 corruption charges, Vote Buying and Graft.

Make No Mistake About This TOO!


Lee Kuan Yew & Separatism / Treason

Sammyboymod forum Link

I wd like to repeat a breaking of LKy's myth regarding independence of Singapore & parting with Malaya, which I often speak about:

It had been a big myth that Rep of Singapore could only exist due to LKy or Singapore isn't part of Malaysia today all due to LKy's success.

It is indeed the opposite of that. It is due to LKy's damn shameful failure in Malaya that this Rep of Singapore had came about.

LKy tried so hard but FAILED shamefully to get to the PM position of Malaya in KL. He had been sorely defeated by Thunku Abdul Rahman, and for that he had cried like a little girl. This is historic fact that people had neglected.

I want to point out that LKy not only could not win against Abdul Rahman, even Dr. M also ended up with an upper hand against LKy. This should be enough to shatter the myth based on which the Singapoean peasant had wrongfully respected this old dog thief for so long and so much. Thinking this old dog was so fucking SMART! He is nothing more than an old Ah Beng who eats full of Ang Moh's shit!

I further want to point out that, LKy's mythological creation of Rep of Singapore should be more clearly viewed as a practice of Separatism, which justify a treason charge on himself. I will elaborate later.

But before that let me put forward my usual sneer at his Ass Loong Son that he is Rep of Singapore PM due to his father's FAILURE instead of SUCCESS.

Because otherwise, he would had been the PM of Malaysia by now, in charge of East & West Malaysia plus Red Dot, if his daddy mentor didn't lost the political fight with Thunku Abdul Rahman! :-)

When LKy failed his ego to take control of entire Malaya to become the #1 man, he decided to go on his route of separatism. Basically, he detached an island from Malaya so that he can become King of The Island and then pass to his own son. This is true and though separatism, and can be considered as treason.

Let me ask Singapoean peasants if we can accept this kind of dirty selfish stunt pulled on our Rep of Singapore?

Take hypothesis, if Mr. Chiam See Tong or Mr. Low Thia Kiang wanted to become PM of Singapore, and failed after being defeated by LKy, could they also go on the route of separatism to make Hougang or Potong Pasir independent repulic seperated from Singapore? Because these are examples of separatism and treason - same as what the old dog thief LKy did in Malaya, and had been so proudly praised for!

Take hypothesis again, if famiLEE lost 80% of GE2006, then could Singaporeans accept if famiLEE wanted to make Tanjong Pagah GRC independent Rep of Tanjong Pagah? or if they want to detach Sentosa Island to make Rep of Sentosa? or Republic of Tekong or Ubin?

Because these are similar separatism! Equally viewed as treason by us Singapoean citizens! And that is what exactly LKy did in Malaya.

So I say it is a damn bloody foolish myth of LKy's credit about independence etc, we had all neglected the treason & separatism aspects of the historic facts.

The same act of separatism had separated not only Singapore & Malaysia, even the PAp & their very own cousin DAP, PKMS & UMNO, various business and families of citizens had been seperated.

I was born in 1961 in Singapore city of Malaya. I have cousins in Malaysia. My uncles' granny's graves are in Malaysia. I usually visit them during traditional ChengMeng. But this year due to preparation of GE2006, I delayed by usual visit until GE was over.

It was during my trip to do maintanance on graves of my family elders in Malaysia that I met DAPs selling their ROCKET Papers, if LKy didn't do his separatism acts, I wouldn't need a passport to go there. :-)

Further, may be LKy & Son might not be in power even in the Action Party if it didn't split into PAp & DAP! Because I think Lim Kit Siang & Son would be stronger then LKy & Son.


Malayan PM Tun Abdul Razak insist on the arest of LKy.
Plan to Hunger Strike in Prison Against Corrupted Election in Singapore

Sammyboymod forum Link

I am glad to accept the Black Ribbon Campaign as suggested by Mr. Goh Meng Seng, this can be done concurrently, and organized seperatedly but with closer coordinations.

Hunger Strike may be too stong for the consumption for wider majority, that I can fully understand. Not cup of tea for common Singaporeans. But concerns over the unfair elections as well as FIXing of opposition must be and can be expressed in far more than one way, and hunger strike isn't the only way, but it the way I choosen when the LEEgime charge me 8 counts of Public Speech.

Concurrency and overlap of other campaigns including Black Ribbon will be meaningful.

If there is need to discuss, I can be reached via email or h/p as usual. Or via this forum.


Plan to Hunger Strike in Prison Against Corrupted Election in Singapore

Sammyboymod forum Link

Just to make a few points:

  • The concerns about World Cup is not a consideration any more, because World Cup would be over by the time we really get to the business of hunger strike.
  • I think there are 2 possibilities for the place / venue for the relay hunger strike, either a hotel room or private hospital. Sponsorship need to be seeked.
  • I am prepared for continous hunger strike instead of relay myself. When necessary I will breakfast after some time, and if necessary begin for another lap, with issue of my own political statement.
  • 140th reporter had called me this morning regarding this. No additional info that what is here had been given to them, although they asked many questions.
  • Generally, for those considering to take part in relay hunger strike, pse consider your own condition of health and assure your loved ones. Don't exceed 48hr. Most likely, it will be a hotel room with bed and cable TV for you to rest, other helpers supporting, and media / web cam / video covering the event. Prepared to be interviewed. You take only water and no food during the 24/48hr, you may rest / sleep or read / watch TV / use telephone / handphone.
  • When other participant take over from you, the hotel staff should change pillow case & bedsheet etc, at least once for every striker.
  • This is strickly indoor event, no mata permit required, it is hotel room and you are guest resting, you can reject any visitor, and mata have no rights to disturb or monitor you.
  • Strikers may make their individual political statements, we should be democractic and tolerent to difference between ourselves.

These points are my own. :-)

Plan to Hunger Strike in Prison Against Corrupted Election in Singapore

Sammyboymod forum Link

The followings are my personal stands and plans, & I am not at all representiong Dr Chee or Mr Gandhi Ambalam or any party or group with these. Since famiLEE LEEgime took LEEgal action against me, I am just saying my own peice for myself with these. These here are significantly leftist, but for this matter of corrupted election & repetitive oppression by famiLEE LEEgime, it is a justified respond in my own view, to balance the tyranny we face.



  • To defy the corrupted coward LEEgime and seek a better governance of Singapore which have better justice; fair election without vote-buying / threat / freedom of communication & meeting, I desire to go on hunger strike and call for concurrent action by people seeking the same changes for a better future Singapore.
  • I hope to encourage people to fight the oppressive law & corrupted system without fear of charge; arrest; bankruptcy; and imprisonment. I will set example by not posting bail; not pleading guilty; not paying fine; not showing regret; not afraid to break the unjust law repeatedly; and put up hunger strike in prison.
  • For my 1st hunger strike, I am protesting against corrupted election particularly vote buying; preventing political communication; abusing upgrading implementations; persecution of political party & CEC members; police harassments; not just charging myself and others for selling SDP New Democrat.
  • I am also protesting against the abuse of defamation suits; refusal to investigate vote buying by CPIB; attempt to dismiss hearing on corrupted election.
  • I call for patriotic and righteous people concerning Singapore to defy the corrupted Lee Kuan Yew famiLEE LEEgime, until it is replaced by a free and fairly elected govt which respects and safeguard civil rights; justice; and Singapore be free from a single famiLEE single party monopoly, and people cease to be exploited by a self-enriching cohort.
  • I am aware that my fellow activists & citizens share similar goals with various different visions, I think differences is a feature of democracy. I respect different views, and would be willing to share efforts and spirit to achieve our goals.
  • Defying unjust laws is insufficient for me, I want to see abolishment and amendments to law & constitution, I want to see prevention of abuse in the future and I want to see culprits of abuse held accountable for their crimes. Improvement of Singapore must begin with constitution as foundation, that is why I urged Mr. J B Jeyaretnam to help me initiate campaign to Amend Constitution.

JB Jeyaretnam's Blog Link

  • Ending Lee Kuan Yew famiLEE LEEgime alone is insufficient, we must prevent any similar regime falsehood and self-enrichment in the future Singapore. Constitution can help, setting an example via removing LEEgime will provide a lesson via our nation's history. To many at this time, this idea is far-fetched, but deep learning from NKF scandal is necessary. We can not let the future Singapore become a big NKF. famiLEE must be held accountable just like T T Durai.
  • LEEgime had done and is continuing a series of dirty measures to shut political & moral linkage between themselves and NKF. Political parties such as SDP seeking to raise NKF scandal during election had been destroyed by most dirty underhand tactics. This action itself is identical with T T Durai's suing of defamation against whistle blowers of his own scandal. I urge people who are concerned of Singapore's well being take effective measures to stop LEEgime from victimizing Singapore like T T Durai had done NKF.
  • By supporting concurrent hunger strike, one does not need to share all my views and opinions, please do so if you share the same concerns, and please state your own views & causes as you act.
  • Hunger Strike may not be the best thing, but it isn't the only thing we will be doing for Singapore, we have much to do other than this. But we have to 1st get the message out, and I hope it is effective.

Thank you,



I informed my family today that if they hear nothing from me tomorrow, that means I am held in prison because I will not post bail. I ask them not to fall for LEEgime's trick to post bail or pay any $fine$, because their law are unjust and I am NOT guilty. I will then go on hunger strike until I feel that it is time to break fast, and afterwhich I may resume my hunger strike if I find reason & strength to do so.

I will refuse to leave prison regardless anyone paid bail or $fine$ or LEEgime claimed to have received $fine$. In the event they throw my out of the prison I will camp outside prison & might continue hunger strike until I stop by my own will.

By normal practice, Police Sommon will not demand bail at court 26 the next morning, especially there is no reason for nither Mr. Gandhi or Dr Chee or myself to escape to avoid trial. Dr Chee's passport still impounded by the silly Official Assignee. If the mata prosecutor asked for bail, my plan is to begin hunger strike at once.
