There still many more TT Durais within famiLEE LEEgime, they can not deny!
Nov 20, 2010
New charges in SLA case
Ex-SLA official faces more charges as probe into his past widens
By Khushwant SinghA FORMER senior official facing multiple charges of defrauding the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) to the tune of $12 million is now believed to have started his alleged crime spree much earlier in his career.
A widening probe into Koh Seah Wee's background has turned up new allegations of cheating involving $286,000 at a second statutory board. Now, the police are going even further back into his past for signs of wrongdoing on the job.
Koh, 40, who is known to have splashed out on luxury cars, condominium apartments and unit trusts, joined the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) in 1997. Over the next 11 years he was posted to various agencies, assuming positions as senior as deputy director.
The IDA sent him first to the Supreme Court, from 1997 to 2004. Next, he went to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (Ipos), a statutory board under the Ministry of Law, from 2004 to 2007.
He was next at the SLA, from 2007 until March this year. He returned to the IDA in April, resigned the following month, and was arrested last month.
Eight new charges against him yesterday allege that he tricked Ipos into paying out $286,000 to a computer firm for goods and services that were never delivered, bringing the total number of charges against him so far to 302.
I have conclusively stated this since the NKF case in 2006, and I must remind people again about NKF being a miniature replica of famiLEE LEEgime which Old Dog Thief LKy called his signature CLEAN SYSTEM. The old dog's famiLEE LEEgime is designed and build upon the exactly identical philosophy principle and culture no difference from it own masterpiece of NKF, which TT Durai had took over CEO from none other than Dr. Lee Suan Yew the brother of Old Dog Thief LKy. The abuse of Defamation Suits are their protections to secure LKy LEEgime's GLORIFIED & LEEGITIMIZED CORRUPTIONS. LKy & Son's & Ministers Defamation claims are in nature no difference apart from NKF's Durai's against his whistle blowers.
SLA's Koh etc, are just tips of the icebergs within famiLEE LEEgime. They are just examples of the many many Additional TT Durais. You can be very sure that most of them get away in all these decades just like the LEEgime's million dollar ministers.
Netizens must help Singaporeans to understand that ANY High Salaries for Officers cultivates only GREED and not Righteousness, contrary to what Old Dog Thief LKy tries to sell.
Any high official position that incurred huge amount of money or material life in person, only satisfy & further cultivate personal greed, and any form of glorification are just weak covers for legitimized corruptions, like Emperor's New Robe they will only be able to fool themselves!
The biggest culprit behind this is none other than Old Dog Thief LKy who single-handedly forged this huge falsehood of LEEgitimized Corruption and then Highly Glorify it and Defended it. He fooled only himself. Netizens must correct the mindset of Singaporeans & others outside Singapore. The Emperor is NUDE and everyone must recognize!
Unfortunately quite unlike the tale in which crook tailors had fooled the emperor regarding New Robe, in LEEgime LKy had tailored his own CLEAN SYSTEM personally! The gold are rewarded to his fellow corrupt ministers and high officers instead of crooked tailors!
There ought to be a thorough liquidation beginning from Old Dog Thief LKy while he is still alive, and only the most stern punishments can set culture straight for the future Singapore against LEEgitimized Corruption.
posted by uncleyap at 5:53 PM