Sunday, November 04, 2007

Mr. Low Thia Kiang tossing Chiku?

CNA GE2001 Archive

Hougang's MP Mr. Low Thia Kiang's recent comments on famiLEE LEEgime had triggered widespread attacks against himself and Worker's Party from the Internet community in Singapore. Angry peasants had protest posters pasted outside Worker's Party's 50th anniversary dinner.

Never had I seen anger against any Singaporean opposition party the rather Workers' Party like this, this is the very first time as far as I can recall. I begin to wonder what would happen to Mr. Low's level of support in Hougang now and what would be the result if election was held this week in Hougang SMC?

Is Mr. Low TK tossing Chiku? I wonder. :-)

The reverse application of Mr. Low's publicly expected role of criticizing the famiLEE LEEgime, is however not a great surprise to me, in the view that it helps in giving the perception of more balanced point of view. I occasionally would pass some positive comments on the famiLEE LEEgime myself. However I am not sure this is Mr. Low's objective.

The anger of peasants can be well understood and expected. The peasants are asking other oppositions to state their stands on Mr. Low's comments.

I foresee that it would be now easier for Mr. Low to attract and absorb new membership from the famiLEE LEEgime's PAp camp into Worker's Party, having such gesture put closer forward to the PAp camp. The indication is that Mr. Low have only minor differences with the famiLEE LEEgime, and that made it a smaller gap between Worker's Party & the PAp camp. It is thus easier for the defectors of PAp camp to cross over to WP now. :-)

On the other hand, for WP supporters who are not sharing this stand very well with Mr. Low, there is now a stronger repellent to cause them to leave WP for the other opposition parties. I think this effect is inevitable.

In my own view the simplified linear leftist-rightist line-up of political stands between parties now look like this:

SDP (Dr. CSJ) 《left.right》 Reform Party (JBJ) 《left.right》 SDA (Mr. Chiam) 《left.right》 WP (Mr. Low) 《left.right》 PAp camp

In this way gaps in between political factions is not too wide, and there is no abrupt point of fracture nor be there any tremendous political gorge dividing among Singaporeans.

In other words WP is portrayed by their own Sec Gen MP as the most PAp friendly opposition right now, this is the observation angle I personally take at this time.

I hope Mr. Low don't drop his Chiku! Or the PAp is going to catch it, they were unable to snatch it from Mr. Low so far but if Mr. Low dropped it accidentally, it would then be easy enough for PAp's Eric Low to catch it!


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