Najib should had Old Dog Thief LKy ARRESTED under ISA in cell next to MSK
Najib's late father ex-PM Tun Razak had always wanted old dog thief Lee Kuan Yew arrested under Internal Security Act, for his constant Seditious Attacks & Racial Politics during his speeches broadcasting almost nightly on Singaporean radio to Malaysia in 1960 before Singapore was ousted from the federation.
Najib can do his father's unfinished job to charge Lee Kuan Yew for sedition, while he is still busy at it charging the Malaysian oppositions and activists with that same act. This should be done while Old Dog Thief was visiting Kuala Lumpur, and the best thing to do is to have the old dog LKy locked in the cell next to Mas Selamat Kastari or had them share the same cell.
Tun Dr. M had his dagger drawn out a gainst the Old Dog Thief LKy during this week, but that is still way too mild, they should settle the business for once and for all.
Cut & Pasted from MalaysiaKini.Com's front page today:
Malaysia & Singapore had Talked About Wars between the 2 countries during the era when Tun Dr. M was the PM & LKy old dog thief was the SM. There are too many things that needs to be settled beginning from Lee Kuan Yew Old Dog Thief's Racist and Seditious Speeches in the 1960s, and the many disputes including territorial sovereignty; water supply; air space for civil aviation; sea reclaimations; CPF Withdrawals of Malaysian Citizens who worked in Singapore etc etc.
When Najib's late father Tun Razak past away, LKy the old dog thief personally made a very strong worded telephone call to the then (RTS or SBC) to STOP TV News broadcasting on Tun Razak's funeral. His words were
If Najib had the balls to arrest Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew, then he need not worry about Mr. Anwar as well. The BN regime will be more stable than Tun Dr. M's era.
What will famiLEE LEEgime do when Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew got arrested in Malaysia. The 1st person to celebrate liberation will be Ass Loong Son, who finally got the chance to be free from his tyranic father. All his life over 50 years, he had been pushed around by this Old Dog Thief father on his back non-stop and suffered more than any Singaporeans. He had to thank Najib for his liberation within famiLEE. :-)
The rest of of Singaporeans will be mostly happy except for retards who felt completely lost without Old Dog Thief LKy. But there is almost nothing they can do about it.
But I won't be happy to have Lee Kuan Yew old dog theif locked away under Malaysian ISA. I want him to be Liquidated and Held Accountable right here in Singapore. We the Singaporeans really have much more long outstanding business (than the Malaysians has) to settle with Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew, BEFORE he meet god. And we don't have a lot more time before the 85 year old dog is dead.
LKy will be no where to be found, if Najib gave him a Mongolian BBQ treat in the ISD. That is not a very good idea since we need Old Dog Theif to be liquidated back here.
Sammyboy.Com Thread
Najib can do his father's unfinished job to charge Lee Kuan Yew for sedition, while he is still busy at it charging the Malaysian oppositions and activists with that same act. This should be done while Old Dog Thief was visiting Kuala Lumpur, and the best thing to do is to have the old dog LKy locked in the cell next to Mas Selamat Kastari or had them share the same cell.
Tun Dr. M had his dagger drawn out a gainst the Old Dog Thief LKy during this week, but that is still way too mild, they should settle the business for once and for all.
Cut & Pasted from MalaysiaKini.Com's front page today:
Dr M's dagger out for 'little emperor' Jun 15, 09 5:28pm The enmity between the two is almost legendary. In his blog, Mahathir unleashes an attack on the 'little emperor from the tiny middle kingdom'.MORE
Great 5th PM and 'Iskandar whatever' Sorry PAS, Lee doesn't like you
Malaysia & Singapore had Talked About Wars between the 2 countries during the era when Tun Dr. M was the PM & LKy old dog thief was the SM. There are too many things that needs to be settled beginning from Lee Kuan Yew Old Dog Thief's Racist and Seditious Speeches in the 1960s, and the many disputes including territorial sovereignty; water supply; air space for civil aviation; sea reclaimations; CPF Withdrawals of Malaysian Citizens who worked in Singapore etc etc.
When Najib's late father Tun Razak past away, LKy the old dog thief personally made a very strong worded telephone call to the then (RTS or SBC) to STOP TV News broadcasting on Tun Razak's funeral. His words were
"THIS IS MY TV, THERE WILL BE NO NEWS ABOUT THIS PERSON (Tun Razak) ON MY TV, IS THAT CLEAR?"Something to that effect. The person at TV station answering to Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew's call was precisely my fiend Mr. Gandhi Ambalam the current Chairman of SDP, he was working at the Singaporean TV Station on news duty on that day. The fued between Tun Razak & Lee Kuan Yew is that deep, as illustrated by this little fragment of history.
If Najib had the balls to arrest Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew, then he need not worry about Mr. Anwar as well. The BN regime will be more stable than Tun Dr. M's era.
What will famiLEE LEEgime do when Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew got arrested in Malaysia. The 1st person to celebrate liberation will be Ass Loong Son, who finally got the chance to be free from his tyranic father. All his life over 50 years, he had been pushed around by this Old Dog Thief father on his back non-stop and suffered more than any Singaporeans. He had to thank Najib for his liberation within famiLEE. :-)
The rest of of Singaporeans will be mostly happy except for retards who felt completely lost without Old Dog Thief LKy. But there is almost nothing they can do about it.
But I won't be happy to have Lee Kuan Yew old dog theif locked away under Malaysian ISA. I want him to be Liquidated and Held Accountable right here in Singapore. We the Singaporeans really have much more long outstanding business (than the Malaysians has) to settle with Old Dog Thief Lee Kuan Yew, BEFORE he meet god. And we don't have a lot more time before the 85 year old dog is dead.
LKy will be no where to be found, if Najib gave him a Mongolian BBQ treat in the ISD. That is not a very good idea since we need Old Dog Theif to be liquidated back here.
Sammyboy.Com Thread
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